Thursday, 3 July 2008

Punk Drunk

Hello peeps, a slow day today on account of the balticians all suffering from a vodka and beer hangover after a lenghy session outside our hostel talking bikes and then moving on to the alternative bubble bar then moat bar. We met a russian couple who were really cool, we necked a few vodkas and talked about house music, a subject that I am not well versed in. They seemed impressed that we had decided to go to a music bar rather than embark on the usual tourist trail of lapdancing clubs and brothels.

Will and I finished the night moshing to rage against the machine at 4am figuring that we would only get the opportunity once. Mike was unconvinced about the merits of jumping around so he went for sitting at the back of the room, no doubt mezmerised by the stylish shapes that Will and I were cutting on the dancefloor.

The Russian punk girls are worth a mention, seemingly gettting paraletic and falling asleep on the bar with their legs in the air and their skirts over their heads is de rigour!

We were rudely awakened by the lovely Marsha at 11am banging on our bedroom door with clear and concise instructions to get out. We all sprang(!) in to action to move all our stuff to a dorm room upstairs to sleep off the hangover.

Spent a couple hours in the park writing my memoirs, a tome that will no doubt become a best seller if it ever gets written up.

My hand and leg that had swollen to the size of a small russian township have started to look a little better, clearly the bugs were discouraged by the attempted alcohol poisoning.

Carlos left this morning for the estonian border and we heard from him a little later in the afternoon. Apparently there is a road - mint. But it's quite potholed - not mint (but minter than if there were no road at all). I think we all feel a little happier about this, not least Will who was really rather worried about it. Thanks Carlos.

Another result is that Leonid is going to meet us in the morning to lead us out of the city. Thanks Mrs and Baby Leonid for giving daddy the day pass. We are much indebted to you both. Leonid has not only been a lifesaver but a very friendly and interesting bloke to boot.

There was just a fight outside the hostel window, but because the balticians are in bed early they missed it. We were however informed by Shaun the American that it was 'mint' - mint!

We have a very lucky Polish girl, Juliette sharing our room tonight. She seems unperterbed by the, as Will described it, 'fruity' aroma of our biking gear.

Anyhow, bon soiree les tout.

Simon (for teekondBALTICA enterprises)

Ps the collective baltic bowel is not at all well, probably a result of the Giardia and heavy metals in the city water supply!
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