Thursday, 26 June 2008

Norway Round - 400 miles today and into sweden.

Due to popular demand we are going to give our posts a little more literary finesse, so here goes:

A very long day today, 14 hours in the saddle, but through some spectacular scenery - the Jothmein national park.

Norway is expensive - 9 quid for two cups of coffee and 2 pounds for a bread roll!

Dissappointed that the border crossing was unmanned, not even a sign. Met a little lost Chinese man with a suitcase in the middle of nowhere - couldn't give him a lift though!

Also dissapointed that we haven seen a moose crossing the road, even though there are lots of signs advertising them!

We had a survival situation this eveing when we couldn't find anywhere to stay. We're getting by now with a couple glasses of jamesons on the sofa in our two bedrommed house watching lord of the rings on tv. Still had to eat emergency food though. Reminder to everyone that if you go to a ski resort, do it in the winter!

Oh and Dean, thanks for the whiskey, we cashed your food vouchers in on the ferry, also thanks for the hotel room in washington

Bikes are going well touch wood. Lots of mossies now. Its cold.

Shortest route home is 2698km, we have ridden over 1000 miles so far. Its midnight now and broad daylight, picture to prove it!

Pushing north tomorrow for the artic circle the following day!

Cheers Simon, Mike and Will

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